New Website Design

Updated in 2015/12/28: this post is no longer applicable. Recently, I redesigned my website. It is based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Less Framework. Changes include: Followed the Responsive Web Design. The website is readable both on desktop and mobile browsers, even Internet Explorer Mobile 7 (sort of.) Integrated Google Custom Search. Supported OpenSearch. Viewers can search my website directly from Google Chrome’s Omnibar, similar to Changed the font for headers to Ubuntu. »

Embed Tweet with a Single Line of Code

Updated in 2015/12/28: this widget is no longer usable. Please refer to Embed a Single Tweet for similar feature. In my previous post, I needed to show a tweet. Though I could have embedded a picture of the tweet, I would really prefer a functional one, where the links, mentions, and hashtags are all linkified. But I wasn’t able to find any useful ones beside Blackbird Pie. Blackbird Pie was OK, but it requires users to manually generate the tweet and embed the generated HTML. »

After April Fools' Day

Yesterday, I announced my latest research topic on Twitter and Facebook: Software Patterns of User Experience for World of Warcraft (SPUXWoW). Introducing Software Patterns of User Experience for World of Warcraft (SPUXWoW). — Ron Huang (@ronhuang) April 1, 2011 However, instead of pointing to the actual research page, the link pointed to RickRoll’D on YouTube. As of today, there are a total of 87 people who got rickroll’d by me. »

Taiwan Friendly Wikipedia

Although Wikipedia provides menu to switch from different Chinese variants, Wikipedia doesn’t seem to remember to the users’ selection. I am tired of manually going through the menu and selecting Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) whenever I browse a new Wikipedia article. So I created Taiwan Friendly Wikipedia, a Google Chrome extension to automatically redirect to the Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) variant when reading Chinese articles. Users can switch off the automatic redirection in the options. »

Testing Facebook Comments

Updated in 2012/12/02: this post is no longer applicable. The comment system in this page should be using the Facebook Comments. Let me know if you like the change. ☺ »