Updated in 2015/12/28: this post is no longer applicable.
Recently, I redesigned my website. It is based on HTML5 Boilerplate and Less Framework. Changes include:
- Followed the Responsive Web Design. The website is readable both on desktop and mobile browsers, even Internet Explorer Mobile 7 (sort of.)
- Integrated Google Custom Search.
- Supported OpenSearch. Viewers can search my website directly from Google Chrome’s Omnibar, similar to http://friendfeed.com/bgolub/5e56afb1/i-like-how-google-chrome-deals-with-opensearch.
- Changed the font for headers to Ubuntu.
- Changed the font for contents to
VollkornTinos. - Updated favicon. Grace made the icon for me based on one of our marriage photos.
- Used DataTables instead of tablesorter to display table. Large tables, such as the one in Twitter user names with less than two characters, are paginated.
- Integrated Google’s 404 widget into the 404 page.
- Contents of the website are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
- Various source code refactoring.
Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. Thank you.