Twitter user names with less than two characters

List all Twitter user names with less than two characters

Updated in 2012/12/02: moved table to Google Docs.

Today I was curious if all the Twitter user names with less than two characters are already created. So I wrote a tiny script to check.

The result is: YES! All of them are already created. In fact, the last one, lh, was just created today! What a coincidence. However, quite a few user names are suspended, and user name me also seems to be reserved. Maybe there is still chance to create one in the future?

  • Earliest creation date is Mar 21, 2006 09:02 PM by ev
  • Latest creation date is Jul 22, 2010 12:53 AM by lh
  • Number of user names created in year 2010: 72
  • Number of user names created in year 2009: 161
  • Number of user names created in year 2008: 311
  • Number of user names created in year 2007: 687
  • Number of user names created in year 2006: 105
  • Number of user names suspended: 69

Ron Huang

Father, software developer, HP Inc. engineer, and Star Wars fan.

Taipei, Taiwan
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